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  • 620 Frederick St,
    Santa Cruz, 95062
  • Call or Text Us
  • Open Hours
    Tu, We, Fr: 8:00AM - 5:00PM & Th: 9:00AM - 6:00PM


Dental emergencies are not planned, we will be available when they happen. Take care of dental pain and infection TODAY!

At our Santa Cruz dental practice we use advanced safety protocols to protect our patients and be able to care for dental emergencies. It is important to see us as fast as possible no matter the type of dental damage, so we can control and treat it to alleviate your pain and prevent for any further dental complications

If you experience:

-Excessive dental bleeding that does not seem to stop

-Broken teeth

-Severe pain and swelling in or around the mouth

-Pain in a tooth, teeth or jaw.

-Gum infection with pain and swelling

-Any injury to the mouth, gums, lips, teeth, tongue

Come straight to our office or call us, we offer early and late appointments for your convenience and make sure you are seen for treatment…