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  • 620 Frederick St,
    Santa Cruz, 95062
  • Call or Text Us
  • Open Hours
    Tu, We, Fr: 8:00AM - 5:00PM & Th: 9:00AM - 6:00PM


A veneer crown or porcelain laminate is simply a veneer that covers the tooth surface. At our practice in Santa Cruz we use veneers in selected cases, aesthetic demand limits the thickness of the porcelain used, so that proper light transitions can be captured and a very natural and cosmetic outcome is achieved. The preparation design is very conservative, it protects remaining enamel. Veneers are used in front teeth with surface defects, defective restorations or size irregularities.

The procedure is minimally invasive, the enamel is reduced by 0.5 mm, defects, existing restorations and/or dental decay are removed. Margins are created for the porcelain to fit on the tooth surface. An impression is taken of the prepared tooth and a provisional or temporary restoration is placed. The impression is used to fabricate a model to where the veneer will be fabricated. A second appointment is needed to fit the porcelain in the patient’s mouth.

The longevity, strength, and wear resistance are excellent due to the reliability of today’s adhesion dentistry (the bond to etch ceramic/porcelain and etch enamel or tooth surface). Veneers are contraindicated in cases where heavy biting forces are not controlled and could interfere with the bonding strength of the porcelain to the tooth.